Experiment ‘AI and Film’ for Dutch Film Festival and Film Forward in collaboration with StudioXNL
Together with Headcandy.EU and StudioXNL, I am exploring the role of AI in the audiovisual world. We focus on understanding the impact of AI on the production process. Our aim is to make the seemingly impossible possible. For example, blowing up impossible locations, as previously seen only in Hollywood films, but now in a studio in Hilversum.
Video about new DMS system for ilionx and VRMWB
This video was created for Ilionx and Veiligheidsregio Midden-West Brabant to introduce their new DMS system. Produced in collaboration with Headcandy.EU and EMG, the video effectively visualizes the benefits of the new DMS system for all users.
Spill the Tea: A series of videos for social media for the promotion of the online sessions of
Spill the Tea, for ACT Acteursbelangen
Spill the Tea Volume 2: The Industry Explained provided profound insights into the film and entertainment industry. Over the course of five weeks, industry insiders such as agents, directors, and producers took the stage on our Instagram Live. The series delved into pivotal questions regarding the operations of everything that has to do with the entertainment industrie and the role of artificial intelligence. Actors were invited to submit burning questions, which were then anonymously addressed during the Instagram Live broadcasts. This project offered invaluable insights that continue to make a lasting impact on the industry.